Very good price/performance.


graywolf wrote:
> Graywolf got a new pet, a television. There it was sitting in the thrift 
> store looking all sad and abandoned, so he paid $15 + tax to spring it. 
> It sulked at first shutting itself off after less than an hour, and 
> graywolf thought he was going to have to turn it out on the streets. But 
> a thorough cleaning, wasn't filthy but 25 years of dust on its circuit 
> boards mostly came off and a night to get used to its new home, and it 
> seems to be working nicely.
> Like any new pet graywolf is going to have to buy it some things, a 
> remote, and a longer cable as the one he has is not long enough to 
> tether it to the splitter and he has to change back and forth between it 
> and the modem in the mean time. And later a VCR so graywolf can watch 
> movies from the local public library. Maybe an upgrade in cable service. 
> This could be a very expensive pet.
> OH? The breed? Magnavox 27in stereo console. By its tag it was born 
> early in 1983 and cost $539.97 ($849.95 list). Does that make it an 
> antique, or just an old TV?
> One would think the thing would take up a lot of space, but actually 
> instead of taking up space it provides a table to place things like the 
> DVD player and the Epson printer on.
> Anyway as the subject line implies graywolf buying a TV is a very rare 
> occurrence, it has only happened twice in 63 years.

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