thanks, john, for the suggestions and the link. time to go
bookshopping :) i am sure it'd be a much cheaper affair after the
splurge on K and A lenses.

the problem (fun part?) is i'll have to trawl the second-hand book
shops. most of the 'mainstream' book shops have become 'lifestyle'
shops and tend to stock mostly the bestsellers and books from the big
publishers besides having a host of other things that have nothing to
do with books.

regards, subash

On 12/18/06, John Forbes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subash,
> If you enjoyed that, try (if you haven't already) Chichester's "Along the
> Clipper Way".  It's derived from the research he undertook (ie: books he
> read) while preparing for his circumnavigation.
> And, of course, the all time classic of circumnavigation books is the
> original - Joshua Slocum's "Sailing Alone Around the World".  When he
> found he was three miles off his computed position after crossing half the
> Pacific, Slocum checked the navigation tables and found an error.  As a
> navigator, he was probably on a par with Bowditch.

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