> Very well put Jostein. 
> Add like to throw in a thought or two. The two main problems is transport
> and heating/cooling. 
> We have all noticed that Godfrey has bought himself a fancy new
> environmental car. By doing this he contributes directly. This has started a
> spin off of this thread. I believe it means that his purchase has had impact
> on our way of thinking. Kudos for that. 
> By doing these small things we influences each others mindset. I on the
> other hand have decided to put my heat pump on hold. Instead I have decided
> to isolate my house better.

Good choice.  Are they making better heat pumps these days?  I lived in 
the northern USA for a while and a heat pump that was in one place I 
lived was only effective down to some lower threshold temp, then the 
electric heat (ouch, expensive) would take over.

Someone handed me a picture and said, "This is a picture of me when I 
was younger." Every picture of you is when you were younger. "...Here's 
a picture of me when I'm older." Where'd you get that camera man?
- Mitch Hedberg

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