Bob - there is no place on this list for that kind of talk...

Bob W wrote:
> This must be some kind of first for this millennium - an on-topic post
> about Pentax equipment which is neither photographic nor endoscopic.
> I am thinking about buying some birding binoculars. I am not a
> bird-watcher, but I do enjoy looking at them when I go on jaunts at
> the weekends, particularly around the Thames Estuary, and I'd like to
> be able to look at them a bit more closely. My understanding of
> birding binoculars is that they should be about 8x42, focus quickly to
> less than 2 metres, preferably be reasonably waterproof and bumpproof,
> and lightweight. 
> I already have an old pair of Pentax field glasses, but I think they
> were designed for watching tanks attack Stalingrad, and they are not
> suitable for my needs. 
> The spec for birding binoculars seems to make them quite expensive in
> general, but Pentax look as though they produce something which gives
> relatively good bang:buck
> Do any of you have these, and would like to comment? Any others I
> should consider?
> Thanks,
> Bob

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