On 1/01/07 2:35 PM, "P. J. Alling", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> APS-C cannot, unfortunately, satisfy the most demanding photographers.
> Pentax has already run up against the "noise" barrier with the K10D.
> They've been forced to abandon 3200 ISO sensitivity.  (Nikon's choice
> was to use extremely strong noise reduction, with loss of detail).
> We're dealing with a law of physics here.

Well, that's Nikon's word, not mine :-).

However, if you look at the pixel pitch of Canon's sensors, it's not
particularly large and it's even getting smaller as they increase MP over
the same sensor size.
So, I do not know, but Nikon seem to be saying that over time, current
issues with APS size sensors would be solved and farther improved.
Just like film, the larger the better principle begins to come into the
equation.  So, if one wants a larger sensor, go to 645 is also a valid
point, just like film.


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