On 1/23/07, Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I disagree. As a seller, I never leave feedback until the buyer does.
> There's a risk of being blackmailed by unscrupulous buyers if you
> commit too soon to positive feedback. I've heard many horror stories
> of buyers complaining about merchandise and requesting a refund right
> after they received positive feedback. The seller has the most to
> lose in this situation. It's better to wait. If the buyer never posts
> feedback, I don't either. Works for me.
> Paul

A sellers could look at my feedback and determine that I am a trusted
buyer or not.  Combined with my prompt payment, this should be more
than enough for them to decide they could place the feedback that is
deserved.  If their product is how they described then they should
also be assured that I will have no reason to complain.

Perry Pellechia

Primary email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page: http://homer.chem.sc.edu/perry

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