Timid and sensitive my ass. Perhaps you don't understand the meanings  
of the words "Libel" and "Slander". You might want to look them up.

You can take your condescension and bullshit with you into the trash  
bucket, Ken. Now go play nicey-nicey with your so-called friends... I  
wouldn't want to intrude upon your delicate sensibilities any further.


On Mar 9, 2007, at 10:45 AM, K.Takeshita wrote:

> On 3/09/07 1:16 PM, "Godfrey DiGiorgi", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Photography is important to me, it's not just a passing fancy that I
>> dally in to pass the time. It sounds like it is just that to you.
>> I'll say what I think about something that's important to me.
>> Otherwise, what waste my time on a discussion forum?
> That's exactly my point.  You don't own the list.  This list is for  
> everyone
> with different level of interest and skill levels.  Should I  
> explain more?
>> And BTW: If I discover that you're speaking of me behind my back in a
>> manner that suggests libel or slander, I'll have my attorney contact
>> you to resolve that.
> Just goes to show your mentality.  Too timid and sensitive.  Do you  
> really
> think anybody would be intimidated by this sort of childish cry?   
> You are
> only lowering yourself.  How much computer/gear head you have has less
> importance than the decency as a man.
> Get over this and concentrate on your post processing all day :-).
> The virtue of this list has been the maturity and the decency of  
> the people
> who participate.  Please fit in.
> Ken
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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