My wish list:

1. Faster and more accurate AF (I know it is a contradiction in terms
but we know it is possible  err. dark side)
2. Adjustable AF settings ( a user should be able to correct
back/front focusing)
3. Larger sensor (1.3 crop factor) but only if current DA lenses cover
the 1.3 crop factor.  The reason for this is the physics... larger
pixels => lower noise.
4. faster frame rate.... 5 to 8 fps and the frame rate should be
adjustable.  ie low,,, 3, med 5, high 8.  8 May be overkill (at least
for me) but it would be nice to have at least 5fps.
5. Quieter operation over all --- Quiter af motors quieter shutter /
mirror mechanism.
6. Higher eyepoint on the viewfider... but don;t mess up the
viewfinder the k10 finder is too nice to muck up.
7. Smarter AF modes... e.g nearest subject, track moving subject
etc... Nikon have someting of the sort and it really works well.
8. A good anti reflective system for the screen that will allow better
viewing under bright sunlight
9. Lower noise and higher iso... up to at least 3200.. I want iso3200
with the sort of noise we currently get at around 640 -> 800.  A Cmos
sensor may be the way to go in this respect.
10 DNG with compression out of the camera.
11. Dual Card Slots (SD) with the ability to write Raw on one and jpeg
on the other.
12. Buttons for WB & ISO.... ie hold a button down and turn a control wheel.
13. WB Setting display in viewfinder.
14. Better Write speeds to cards.
15. Separate AF Assist Lamp. (ie no need to popup flash)
16. Intervalometer accessible throught the menu. (IE TS110 cable
release functions built into the firmware).  This should be easy.
17. Bundled IR Remote with a gizmo to keep it permanently attached in
some way e.g. to the camera strap or the base of the camera.
18. Higher res 12->16mp but not at the expense of adding noise 10MP is
fine for me.
19. Addon for wireless transfer to PC
21. An updated lens line up .... Fast primes and fast zooms.

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