No point arguing what you like or don't like.

I've spent a bit of time shooting with the E-3 today (another fellow  
at the workshop I attended had one): I like it. The control logic is  
quite different from the Pentax bodies, but it works well for me.  
Haven't looked at any JPEGs but the RAW capture at ISO 1600 and 3200  
looks very good to me. At ISO 100-400, where I'm normally shooting,  
it is excellent. There's no NR on RAW capture files far as I'm aware.

Also spent a bit of time fooling with my friend Linda's Nikon D300  
again. It's a very fine camera, in every way.

Both of these cameras perform on par or better than the K10D. But  
it's no big deal as the K10D's performance meets my needs pretty  
nicely just as is. I look forward to seeing what Pentax' next new  
bodies are: I'm sure they'll be pretty darn nice.


On Dec 8, 2007, at 8:41 PM, Adam Maas wrote:

> JPEG's mostly, but a couple RAW's (I've deleted them though). You sure
> there's no NR on RAW? I know Sony at least does NR on RAW's, and Canon
> does some on-chip NR that affects both formats.
> The E-3 did not impress me at all. Poor handling and IQ appeared equal
> to the last-generation 10MP bodies based on the shots I've seen.
> -Adam
> On 12/8/07, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Are u looking at JPEGs? No NR on RAW.
>> ...... Original Message .......
>> On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 12:17:09 -0500 "Adam Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Based on what I've seen, the E-3 is much closer to the D200 than the
>>> D300 at 3200, and certainly inferior to the 40D (Poor resolution of
>>> detail due to excessive NR).
>>> -Adam
>>> On 12/7/07, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Who has a 14 megapixel APS CMOS sensor?
>>>>>>> It's probably the Pentax-designed sensor we've been hearing  
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>> few years, with manufacturing done by some large semiconductor
>>>>>>> maker.
>>>>>> Gee whiz.  Doesn't Samsung have the capability to do that sort of
>>>>>> thing?
>>>> Panasonic manufactures the NMOS 4/3 System sensor that the Olympus
>>>> E-3 is using. From what I've seen, that chip has pretty darn  
>>>> nice ISO
>>>> 3200 noise characteristics ... better than the Canon 40D, and very
>>>> close to "on-par" with the Nikon D300 (the latest new technology
>>>> 16x24 sensor DSLR). Given Olympus' spec for active chip area,  
>>>> that's
>>>> 10.1 Mpixel spread over 13x17.3 mm chip area, or ~44,900 pixels/
>>>> square mm.
>>>> A 16x24 mm sensor having 14 Mpixel with the same technology would
>>>> have lower density and presumably even better noise  
>>>> characteristics,
>>>> at ~36,450 pixels per square mm. The K10D's older technology sensor
>>>> has about 26300 pixels per square mm by comparison.
>>>> Godfrey
>>>> (BTW: my friend's Nikon D300 arrived yesterday. I had the chance to
>>>> fool with it at lunch today. It was fitted with the Nikon 17-55/2.8
>>>> VR lens. A very nice camera to work with.)

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