On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Bob Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank,
>  Provocative pictures, I wonder about the history of these people,
>  especially the young ones.
>  I haven't seen a girl wearing a guy's highschool ring on a chain
>  around her neck - since highschool!
>  Regards, Bob S.
>  > http://tinyurl.com/35wmgp

I'm guessing that many of the younger members of the crowd may have
either been born here or have been here since they were very young.
They speak both languages fluently (it appears) but they speak English
without an accent (okay, okay, I really mean with a Canadian accent).

They're part of that huge group in this country that are really more
"Canadian" than anything else, but they (likely due to their parents)
retain strong emotional ties to the "mother country".  Yet, they're so
Canadianized that they could never realistically go back "home" to
live - they'd always be outsiders.  It must be a very difficult
position to be in.

Youth seem over-represented at such rallies, but maybe that's because
protesting is a youthful thing to do...


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