John Celio wrote:
>> I think this explains what has happened. Anyone want a job?
> Wow, interesting!  I wonder how this will affect their relationship with 
> shops like the one I used to work at.  I also wonder how one goes about 
> applying for one of those jobs!

Sadly, the *reason* for changes like this is that stores like the one 
you used to work at (and the one I used to work at) are going the way of 
the dinosaur. This is simply a recognition of that reality.

I think the days of sales reps who visit local stores (and I mean this 
in general - not just Pentax and, in fact, not just the camera business) 
are numbered.

Welcome to the 21st century and the era of the Big Box retailer. :(
(Ironic that the "dinosaur" analogy breaks down here because it's the 
lumbering giants that are out-evolving the smaller, nimbler shops...)

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