Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Comment: You can't film here!
> Retort: Hey, you're right - you're stood in the way!

Photographing in Germany isn't much fun either. There's always some
self-appointed "warden" around who'll tell you you can't photograph here
or pass there. Walk into a derelict and obviously abandoned factory
building and you can bet some old bugger who spends his days behind his
curtains on the other side of the street will be calling the cops. 

So, I usually go to Belgium on weekends. Their heavy industry is a lot
more photogenic and the people are friendlier. The Belgian police are
notoriously underpaid and overworked and they'll gladly leave you alone
if you don't really ask for it.  

Problems over there are very few and far between. Once I had the manager
of an Arab "culture club" - the usual kind of shady coffeeshop in one of
the more errr... picturesque parts of Liège - make one hell of a stink
because I had dared to photograph his house when all I had been shooting
was the factory opposite. All attemps to shrug him off failed and he
wouldn't stop. He even followed me down the street. 

Sometimes you just have to bluff. "Listen, mate. I'm here in private,
enjoying my sunday. I couldn't care less about your business. But if
you'll insist on convincing me that you have something to hide in your
hut, you'll be twisting my arm and I'll have no choice but to inform our
Belgian colleagues so they'll come and have a closer look at what it is.
Your call..." 

He's been going out of my way ever since. :-)


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
private homepage:
manual cameras and photo galleries - updated Jan. 10, 2005
Contarex - Kiev 60 - Horizon 202 - P6 mount lenses

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