John Sessoms wrote:
From: John Graves
The list has done it. I have been looking at all the fantastic Black & white photos and have had trouble with drool. (Anybody want to purchase a slightly damp keyboard?)I would like to try some B&W.

Do I whip out my Gossen and open up 3 stops from white? Is this something I can do in Raw Processing? (Or should do?) For the moment, I am sticking with PSE 3 but have kept Raw as up-to-date as I can. Are these workable for processing.

Or do I buy a roll of Tri-X and a new bottle of Rodinol?


I think I'd go for HC110. The amount of film I use these days the developer will die before I use it unless it has an extremely long shelf life.

You get further with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word alone.
        --Al Capone.

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