Have you tried printing from "Print with Preview" in
Photoshop? I find that it works better with profiles
than other programs. Also, make sure to turn color
controls OFF (under "Color Handling:" slect "No color
management"), do that AGAIN under the print dialog
boxes when selecting paper size, oreintation, etc.

The only other suggestion I have is not to use generic
paper profiles, even one supplied by paper
manufacturers. In my experience, they're never as good
a creating your own.

ColorVision makes a spectrocolorimeter to read color
swatches printed on the paper you're creating the
profile for. It works works much better than any
manufacturer files I've tried. However, there are
tricks to doing this correctly, as well. It took many,
many emails back and forth to colorVision to finally
establish a working, consistant procedure (at least
for some of the Epson papers I use).

--- Christine  Aguila <cagu...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Hi Everyone:
> Well, I'm stumped:
> I have correctly downloaded and installed some ICC
> paper profiles from 
> Brilliant Museum (matte satin white) & MOAB (white
> satin).  I finally 
> learned where to save to & how to install for PC. 
> These two profiles show 
> up in Lightroom.  I also have chosen "turn off color
> adjustment" in the 
> printer dialog box as all the directions say to do,
> so there is no clash 
> between printer & ICC profile.  I've done some test
> prints, and the color is 
> hideous--reddish & black--and dark
> So I tried my usual settings with these two papers
> that I've never printed 
> with before--B. Museum & MOAB:  I chose Stylus Epson
> 2880, Perceptual, Adobe 
> RGB in the printer dialogue box and the proper media
> type (as I use when 
> printing on Epson papers), and the prints come out
> normal and a virtual 
> likeness to the monitor.
> I must be doing something wrong--I know the general
> view is that ICC 
> profiles are supposed to give better print
> quality--but I just can't figure 
> out what I'm doing wrong.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers, Christine
> --
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