On Dec 22, 2008, at 19:07, Bruce Walker wrote:

With the low self-discharge I can charge the Eneloops, pop them into the camera and then forget about them until the low-batt indicator appears. I stuff everything into my kit-bag until I need it -- even if several weeks go by before I suddenly need to grab the bag and dash out somewhere to shoot. I never worry at all about whether I charged up batteries the night before.

That's precisely their benefit. None of this "oh, wait, leave 'em in the trickle-charger so they're ready to go" nonsense which other batteries require.

Instead: charge 'em and throw them in the bag. Leave the bag in the hallway for one or two weeks: it doesn't matter. Pick up bag, start shooting: No problem.

At $11.99 for a set of 4, well worth the dough. Regardless of chemistry. Could be stuffed with rat poop for all I care, it just doesn't matter to me.


Charles Robinson - charl...@visi.com
Minneapolis, MN

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