... do you really thing that much copper is going to last more than a decade??? Only if some very, very imposing and well armed priesthood took charge of it... more likely to end up in cookware.


John Sessoms escreveu:
From: Peter Alling
In a few million years the pyramids will be weathered to less than
hillocks; iron, even stainless steel, will oxidize to dust;
micro-organisms will have eaten rubber and plastic; glass will have
been smoothed to pebbles;  little recognizable as an artifact will
remain.  For example not too long ago, it seems that a couple of Ford
Truck sparkplugs from the 1920's were initially misidentified as
"geoids".  The earth's crust is very active, and the biosphere even
more so.

Yeah, but some things will still be recognizable.



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