In a message dated 3/29/2009 3:38:15 P.M.  Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
My younger brother spent  Thursday night in hospital after someone drove into
his car at 45 mph  (~72kph). The car rolled and my brother was trapped
inside, and had to be cut  free by the fire brigade. They strapped him to a
stretcher ("like Hannibal  Lecter"), took him in for an examination, then let
him out a few hours later,  more or less intact. 

Here are some pictures he took of the car, which is  a write-off - it doesn't
look at all as though it's been hit at that speed,  or rolled. The car has
more airbags than Dolly Parton, yet none of them  deployed. When he asked
about it he was told that the car wasn't hit hard  enough. Yet it's a
write-off. Amazing how strong these things are these days  - it probably
saved his  life.

Here's a very uninformative  press report about  it:


I'm  glad he is okay. You'd think because the car flipped, the airbags would 
have  deployed. Odd.

Makes me feel less unprotected by my airbags  now.

Marnie aka Doe  

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