On Mar 30, 2009, at 1:33 PM, William Robb wrote:

Why is it worth every penny?

I do my own B&W rendering.
I see no point to wasting money using someone else's notions of how to render B&W.

The one true way has spoken.
You ever thought about just starting a religion?

LOL! I'm founder of 'The Church Of The Magnetic Monopole'.
There is an associated worship of uncertain dimension out there somewhere. ];-)

But to your notion: I didn't say there was a "one true way". I have a documentation library of at least 40 different B&W rendering techniques. I see no value in using someone else's notions of how to do it without understanding enough about how they do it to be able to do it myself. This is why I don't buy plugins for much of anything.


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