Sorry to ask... but what does the 1/250th of a second with the speed at wich the shutter curtains open and close? I always understood the curtains moved at the same speed, and the actual exposure time was controlled by the difference in the their release - from a very short difference to a few seconds, where the x-sync was first the moment the entire film was exposed.

Moving the max speed and x-sync upwards required faster shutter blades, but there was always the need for exposing the entire film to a conventional x-sync, and the exposure still is dosed by the difference in the release of the shutter blades, not their speed of travel, AFAIK.


Adam Maas escreveu:
Well, since you asked, shutter blade velocity is 6m/s at 1/250th. That
works out to about 13.5mph ;-)


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Joseph McAllister <> wrote:
I was waiting for someone to argue my "10,000" mph was incorrect for for
focal plane shutter velocity. It probably is.

Luiz Felipe
luiz.felipe at

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