On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:22:25AM -0400, John Sessoms scripsit:
> In North America and Europe, any flowing water points towards human  
> habitation (eventually). You follow any stream and you come to a road  
> crossing it.


There are some surprisingly large parts of Canada where the flowing
water takes you to the shore of Hudson's Bay and the company of hungry
polar bears, rather than human habitation.  There are some other rather
large parts where it takes you to a muskeg swamp, and the company of
hungry biting insects.

I was always having to fish mother's little darlings, sent out in pairs
on map using exercises, out of swamp; people unconsciously walk down
hill if they can't see a distant objective.  This lands you in the

> I carry a loud ball-whistle. Nothing on earth makes that noise naturally.


-- Graydon

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