On Aug 27, 2009, at 07:00 , P. J. Alling wrote:

Removing the switch and making it a small production to turn SR on and off shows what I think is a "Point and Shoot" design mentality the same thing that resulted in the focus control debacle, This type of mentality doesn't belong in the design of a relatively high end camera, hell, it doesn't belong in the design of Point an Shoot camera.

Unlike the focus point issue it looks like it's not an easy a fix, what with the hardware switch being gone and all...

Most of my photography of dogs is either panning or hoping the 'predictive' auto-focus will afford me some good shots. As far as panning goes, I never turn SR off, and my opinion is it has little effect on the sharpness or quality of the resulting images. I rarely remember to turn it off when I'm on a tripod with a remote release!

What I'm saying is that Pentax probably realized that in fact leaving it on all the time for an outdoor shooter, or off all the time for a studio shooter, was not that important a deal. Given that their users weren't complaining, they relegated the switch function to a less intrusive menu item.

Joseph McAllister

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