On 1/18/2010 10:57 PM, frank theriault wrote:
On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 8:03 PM, paul stenquist<pnstenqu...@comcast.net>  wrote:

All good things, and most are being done and will accelerate. But don't crush 
commerce, because a third-world lifestyle is only one big downturn away.
It's because of "commerce" that we're in the messes that we're all in
right now - both the environmental and financial messes.

Yes, let's just keep doing things the way we have been, because that's
worked so well up to now, hasn't it?

Let's see:  a World War followed by a Great Depression, followed by
another World War followed by a Cold War (in which we almost blew the
planet to smithereens) followed by a terrorist attack that plunged us
into more wars and now another depression.

And those are only the highlights.

Punctuate all that with a bunch of smaller wars (Vietnam, Korea, the
various Gulf Wars), endless civil wars and insurrections, the constant
and ongoing conflicts in such areas as the Middle East, all manner of
tyrannical dictatorships (of both the right and the left), famines,
genocides, ethnic cleansings, constant boom/bust economic cycles that
are becoming more frequent and deeper and an environment that's
degrading much faster than anyone imagined even a few years ago.

Yup, the last 100 years or so have been great - we don't want to lose
all that "commerce" has provided to us, do we?

Frank I'm not sure where you're coming from, but if we don't have commerce we will have war. Even with commerce we may have war. I'd say the chance of China having a war with India or Russia in the next 10 years will approach 100% if commerce doesn't pick up. The Chinese government will have to figure out what to do with it's large surplus of young unmarried men and a foreign war is a good place to put them. Since the PLA can't really get anywhere it can't march there's only two places it can effectively go. Unfortunately all of those countries have nukes so it's likely everyone will have a dog in that fight...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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