----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: Message from Henry Posner, Part I

How can you be confident he lied?  If I were the customer I may have
*suspected* the advertised price or (PAIR) was mistake, but I also
could have thought that this was a special deal and the retailer did
indeed intend it.

What does it matter if he lied about knowing what the adveetised price should be?
How does this enter into anything?

The fact that B&H lied about their pricing is much more germaine.

Here's a scenario.
I don't know bugger all about stereo speakers. The last speakers I bought were a set of Celestions back in the 1980s.
Apparently they are quite good, but I want something smaller now.
So I visit the B&H website to find a set of speakers that fits my price range and is in a size range I can live with. They have a set of speakers that is a known good brand, the size of the boxes is right and the price is within my range, so I buy them.

Then a couple of days later, B&H cancels the transaction and when I ask why they call me a liar, and that the onus is on me to know that their pricing is wrong. How is their pricing my fault? When somone pushes the buy button, there needs to be a presumption of good faith regadring the transaction. The customer needs to know that the seller he is dealing with will act in good faith, and will complete the transaction as advertised. On eBay (for example) this is called a feedback system, and I distinctly remember people on this very forum saying they wouldn't deal with a seller who had less than perfect feedback. In this instance, we have Reseller Ratings, which appears to be in B&H Photo's pocket, in that they will take down negative feedback at B&H's request.

So, we now have B&H Photo who come off looking like a bunch of lying scumbags, and a ratings company that is supposed to help customers avoid companies that do precisely what B&H did allow themselves to be compromised as well. This may be more ado than it rates, but B&H has acted with an appalling lack of integrity, and then compounded it by having their attack dog Posner bark at the customer for taking umbrage with their dishonest business practice.

William Robb

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