My ability to word process was never faster than when I used XyWrite
II+ on MSDOS. The entire program fit on one floppy disk and loaded
itself completely into memory. I think my efficiency was cut by about
50% with the advent of Windows. Prettier and more fun, but slower and
much, much more likely to crash.


On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:46 PM, John Sessoms <> wrote:
> From: CheekyGeek
>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Larry Colen <> wrote:
>>> > Apple is very good at making it easy to do the things that they think
>>> > you
>>> > should do. It can be very challenging however if you think differently.
>> While this is a fairly obvious troll line, I must respectfully disagree.
>> Anyone who lived through (and with) the popularization of computers
>> among the masses must remember what it was like to learn DOS and to be
>> fumbling through a manual to learn the cryptic command that one must
>> type (without syntax errors) to accomplish ANYTHING before the
>> Macintosh. In contrast, upon seeing the first Macintosh running in an
>> Office supply store without knowing anything at all about it, one
>> could walk up... grab the single button mouse (which I had never seen
>> before) and it was immediately OBVIOUS what one would do with it.
>> Click, select, drag. One could easily learn to use both applications
>> MacWrite and MacPaint without ever cracking a book. It was a paradigm
>> changer: a computer which worked virtually as you thought it should.
> I don't consider it such a "obvious troll line". Learning to deal with a
> command line wasn't that hard. It was a bigger deal regaining speed when the
> GUIs took over. What I used to be able to do with just a few typed commands
> now took a lot longer opening and clicking menus. Especially with the
> overhead of painting the screen.

Jeffery L. Smith
New Orleans, LA

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