I understand all of that, which is why I didn't lead off this thread with a jeremiad against Chrysler Corp.

All I know at this point is that (1) I have no car, and (2) I have no resources to really do a thing in the world about it.

I appreciate the guidance, but it's been fairly clear to me from the outset that I'm just going to have to take the lump and figure out what to do next. The meantime isn't long enough, and I frankly don't have the wherewithal -- personal or financial -- to pursue the matter. Had I known the attitude I was going to encounter from the people I've spoken to on the phone about it, I'd have saved my breath and spent that time taking pictures.

Thanks for the advice, nonetheless. But, it's clearly an exercise in futility given the value of the car and the effort required to extract it even if it turns out to be the result of a manufacturer's defect. Based on my conversations with representatives from Chrysler, they're as aware of that fact as I am.



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On 10/29/2010 2:46 PM, Ken Waller wrote:

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "Walter Gilbert" <ldott...@gmail.com>

Subject: Re: Just when things were going well...

  Thanks, Bob.

Apparently it's a defective high pressure power steering hose that caused it.

'Apparently' won't cut it with the manufacturer or in legal circles.

Hard to say for sure, but it certainly looks that way based on what I noticed about the car, and the recall information.

-- Walt

On 10/28/2010 5:30 PM, Bob W wrote:
Lo and behold ...


Unfortunately, this is the only car I have, and my insurance isn't going
cover the loss.  So, now, I'm stuck trying to figure out a way to get
around ...
with no money, and only a part-time job. Needless to say, I'm living in
"interesting times".
indeed. How did that happen? I thought it was only people who got
spontaneous combustion.

Anybody know of any photography contests where they give away cars? Or
nice bicycles?
Can't help, sorry. Hope you find a nice bike.

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