On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Brian Walters <supera1...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Well, I've never used the Nikons so I have no basis for comparison, and
> my relatively recently aquired LX remains unused (something I will
> definitely redress in the new year).  Having held the KX, MX and LX,
> though, I still like the 'feel' of the KX over the others.  Maybe I'm
> just odd....
> I'm not sure what you mean by the "on/off problems".
> Cheers
> Brian

The design of the MX's on/off switch (aka the shutter lock) allows a
poorly adjusted copy to drain the battery despite being turned to the
off/locked position. It's one of the more common issues with the MX.

The K bodies feel solid but rough in my experience. Smooth is
generally not part of the experience. I like them better than any of
the later manual focus bodies except the LX, but they aren't as
pleasant to work with as a Nikon or Olympus body.


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