Just went to the local price watch site. Few quotes for your perusal, Peter:

K100D - USD 650
K200D - USD 1050
K10D - USD 970
K20D - USD 1000
K-7 - USD 1300

Following your logic, I am going to have to wait until K-(-3) comes out (yes, it is "key minus three") to get my K-5 for USD 600 although just as well it might never happen all together.

The last time I inquired with the local distributor, K-5 was USD 1750. If (and mind you, it is a big if) its price goes down to the same figure I paid for K-7, it will be USD 1600 at current exchange rate, which, I should say is like 10% price reduction that is not very likely to happen anyway.

Your reasoning is only applicable to the place where you live, which is although important and vast is not all there is, you know.

/sad sigh/


On 1/15/2011 5:55 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
The K-5 will have been out, a bit over, a year next September. The K-3,
or whatever it'll be called, will have been announced sometime after the
previous August, with a ship dated not far in the future. Then is the
time to look to look to buy a K-5. Every Pentax DSLR I've bought I've
paid ~ $600USD for. The only problem I've had is everyone else talking
up the latest and greatest, but you know, even the *ist-D, which has
reached paperweight status, as far as monetary value is concerned, still
takes great pictures...

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