On 2011-03-18 17:20 , eckinator wrote:
I need to buy one as a demonstration system for my business and can't
decide whether to be sensible and buy el cheapo 16 gb or one of the
bigger ones - does anyone have experience with one?

i have a little experience, and have been planning a purchase of a 16GB iPad 2 for my partner

the memory is not RAM, it's just the storage, so it really depends what you'll store on there; video is the big factor, but still you can have a few hours of good quality video (depending on compression used); photos, music, most apps, are very modest in size so it takes a great many of these to make a difference; i'd say unless you plan many presentations with long video clips 16GB will probably be fine; in terms of running apps or web apps the amount of storage won't make a difference in the performance

also, at least in the US the resale values have so far been pretty good (even for I when II came out), so if you are surprised to find you need more storage, you could trade up without much of a loss

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