On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 09:24:14PM -0500, Walter Gilbert wrote:
> >
> I'll definitely look into Bibble.  I have The GIMP and have been
> tooling around with it.  But, so far, it's completely alien to me,
> and has a fairly steep learning curve.

Time for me to let loose with one of my pet objections.
Nothing personal, Walt - I know that it's accepted usage.

But having "a steep learning curve" would actually be a good thing.

What people actually mean, when they say this, is that the program in
question has a high bar to get over before you can use it proficiently.

With a steep learning curve, you'd leasrn enough to get over that bar
in a short span of time.  With a shallow learning curve, though, you
would have to spend far more time before you became proficient.
That, in my opinion, would be a far less desirable situation.

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