Thanks all!

It was a great opportunity.  With baby raptors they can only briefly be
exposed to humans without ghost suits (head to toe cloth covering -
usually white) or you run the risk of them imprinting on humans.  Which
sounds really cool until you realize that an owl or hawk defending it's
territory from a human or trying to convince a human to build a nest
wouldn't be a good thing.  Even to take the 3 exposures I had time for
with this baby we couldn't talk when we were in the area so that he
wouldn't get used to human voices.

On the yellow cast, yeah, it's a touch on that side of the spectrum but it
looks more like the coloring would in the woods that way.  I'll try it the
other way and print them to compare but I'll probably leave it as is this
time.  :)


On 4/6/11 8:08 PM, "Liz Masoner" <> wrote:

>It's not a cormorant but I was happy to get a chance to photograph a baby
>great horned owl at the local wildlife center today.  He'll be with the
>center until about August when he's old enough to fend for himself.

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