On 5/9/2011 16:56, Mark Roberts wrote:
Igor Roshchin wrote:


Very creepy.

Also, they're probably violating copyright unless their licensing for
that photo included the creation of derivative works (very unlikely).

Creepy indeed. And wrong.

There is a post in The Online Photographer on the matter:

And frankly, I am frightened by some of the comments under this post. I produced a reply therein that hasn't been moderated yet, so you don't see it. So to re-iterate it here - I think that what the newspaper did is wrong on more than one (or even two) levels, including whatever limited understanding of Judaism that I have. However, the tone and the wording of the comments is such that it clearly shows (to me, at least) that "judge a person by their actions and not by what they are" principle is, how to put it, still remains rather theoretical one.


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