On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:27 AM, steve harley <p...@paper-ape.com> wrote:
> ... i think it would be great (and would induce me to switch from Aperture) if
> Adobe would integrate PS with LR's non-destructive paradigm, such that
> anything done in PS could be considered part of the non-destructive edit
> trail and the image could continue to be managed in LR ...

You can actually use Photoshop to edit in a non-destructive manner by
using layers skillfully. However, it tend to make the .PSD files very
large and performance begins to bog down when you go past a certain

Scott Kelby had some interesting things to say about non-destructive
editing in an interview, I think on The Candid Frame podcast (not
sure). He feels as I do that the value has been a bit over-hyped ...
just like the dictum for obsessive keywording, etc. Both have their
value, but not every photograph needs to be able to be re-edited from
scratch forever, and not every photograph needs forty keywords

Yes, Lightroom (and Aperture) makes the management of the flood of
photographs coming out of digital capture doable in a way that no
pixel editor like Photoshop ever can. That is the purpose of these
applications. However, I use LR even if I import one negative scan
into a new catalog because I prefer its tools and UI for image
adjustment. And, of course, I can always continue to use LR to manage
my photos even if I take the photo into Photoshop for deep pixel
bashing. LR just keeps things nicely organized in a way that makes
sense for me.


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