Larry´s words to Tim, regarding an aestheticall dilemma:
So it comes down to, are you taking photos for your wife and kids, or
for yourself?

Larry Colen LRC at (from dos4est)

Now, as long as I agree with Larry´s ideas about the dilemma - no, I´m not replaying them all here - I need to point out that fully disregarding one´s family ideals on photography may end costing one´s dear money in divorce-related matters.

Some possible solutions:
1) go ahead, publish and face destiny;
2) leave at that and face psychologist´s fares later;
3) choose a nom de plume and publish the pic - always a small risk it becomes famous and dear family finds out about your double id; 4) find a way to publish under your own name and be paid for it - and be sure to spend the exact amount with wife and kids.

Seriously, I´d skip #2 at all cost, probably avoid #3 too - done that with words long ago, lousy outcome. If possible, I´d try #4 - but publish it I would. I´d rather get problems because I did something, than getting angry (and the problems that may come with that feeling) because of something I didn´t do. Just my 2c.

luiz felipe
luiz.felipe at

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