I'm certainly a value/bang-for the buck kind of guy. I'm terribly late
to the K-5 party, but I'm hoping to snag one soon. I believe that it
is *still* near the top of the heap (if not at the top) of the best
APS-C cameras available today. I'm pretty pleased with the 20x30
prints I've seen from APS-C cameras and frankly, I don't think there
are many images that I'm going larger than that with. I think it
provides a lot of bang-for-the-buck particularly if one can buy one
around $900 (body). I also think it is sort of amazing that I can get
*still* probably within $75 for what I paid for my K-x  (which I
purchases as a low-mileage used kit) - which will help pay for the
upgrade. That's value too.

Comparing that to the Nikon 800/E (which is 3x the price of the K-5)
is sort of like comparing a $25,000 Prius with a $75,000 Mercedes Benz
CLS. They aren't really targeting the same demographic. If your
discretionary income let's you afford some of the finer things in
life, more power to you. A lot of people are going to have a harder
time justifying an additional $2000 for a camera body, particularly if
it also means they start from Square One on lenses and other
accessories. (Frankly, a lot of the 800/E specs seem aimed more at
videography than still.) If *Pentax* released a full frame camera with
the 800's specs of only 4 FPS and top (real) ISO of 6400, you could
hear the PentaxForums screams in Nebraska.

I don't think the fact that there are far more expensive cars out
there changes the bang-for-the-buck with the Prius and I'd say the
same for the K-5. Should Pentax announce a full frame camera (I'm last
of the true believers) particularly for in the neighborhood of $2700
that can take advantage of all your K-mount stuff, I'd think that
would have to give one looking for another step-up pause.

My grandmother told me a long time ago that "the grass is always
greener on the *other* side of the fence". That's human nature.

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