On 7/16/2012 4:50 AM, Bong Manayon wrote:
Got a chance to run around with the K30 this weekend, there is a
difference between reading specs and actually handling the camera.
One of my assumptions was it would be like downgrading from say the
K10D to the K200D or the K-m but I was pleasantly surprised that it
had the dual dials of the K-5; and except for the button layout at the
back (similar to the K-r) almost everything else was the K-5. There is
an improvement in focusing--less hunting and more precise.


More later...

Aren't you one of the re-enactors, sir?

For me, having hyper-P mode and two dials would mean approximately equivalent to K-5. That's the single thing I use most often when I am shooting with my K-5.

You're a capable photographer, Bong, but you know that already. And K-30 seems like a good camera. Let's hope that no QC issues make it hard for Pentax. I would be fascinated to know what awaits beyond K-5.


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