On Jul 15, 2012, at 6:50 PM, Bong Manayon wrote:

> Got a chance to run around with the K30 this weekend, there is a
> difference between reading specs and actually handling the camera.
> One of my assumptions was it would be like downgrading from say the
> K10D to the K200D or the K-m but I was pleasantly surprised that it
> had the dual dials of the K-5; and except for the button layout at the
> back (similar to the K-r) almost everything else was the K-5. There is
> an improvement in focusing--less hunting and more precise.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/bongmanayon/sets/72157630572719126/
> More later...

Very interesting.  The difference in button layout between my K-x and K-5 is 
the biggest hassle in switching between them. 

I do really wish that the K-5's review button was in the same place as the K-r, 
so that I could review a shot without using my left hand, taking my left hand 
off the lens, or whatever.

How does the K-30 compare in size and weight with the K-5, vs the K-r/K-x/Km?  
It sounds like it might be a very good compromise for backpackers like my 
friend Candace, for whom image quality and weather sealing are issues, but so 
are size and weight.

Larry Colen l...@red4est.com sent from i4est

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