on 2012-08-01 21:16 Larry Colen wrote
There's going to be a party at my house this weekend, and I'd like to run a 
slideshow of some of my better photos on my macbook pro.
I'm not particularly enamored of preview, though it sort of works, and I 
despise iPhoto.

if all you need is to change the speed of Preview's slideshow, run this
Applescript in the background (with the slideshow paused)

tell application "System Events"
    key code 124 -- right arrow
    delay 5 -- or however many seconds
  end repeat
end tell

Preview can also do whole folder trees — just drag the top folder onto the Preview icon and it will do a depth first traversal; on OS X 10.7 i can also change the order of the images, though i just tried on 10.5 and it seems to try but fail to change the order

… but honestly iPhoto is pretty good at this and it would be simple for you to simply drag your whole folder tree onto iPhoto (after first going to Prefs > Advanced and unchecking the Import: Copy items option), then click the slideshow button at the bottom of the screen

it will ask what theme you want to use, and give you some corny default music, but all that is easily configurable

when done, select all, delete, quit iPhoto and pretend it isn't there until you need another slideshow

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