Bob W <> wrote:

>> I was surprised to read that they are the ONLY UK brewer of IPA (now
>> can't find where I read that). I can hardly believe that to be true,
>I couldn't find that when I looked at the site. There are plenty of
>brewers making IPA, one of the best-known being Greene King. I'm not a
>fan of IPA, but I do like the Meantime one. Part of their mission is to
>re-establish some of the historic London brews from days of yore, as
>well as
>to experiment with brews from other countries, so a number of things
>they do
>are indeed unique, and there may be something about their IPA that is
>(apart from the fact that I like it).
>Their beer is served in something like half of the Michelin-starred
>restaurants in Britain, I believe. That gives you some idea of how good
>is. There isn't a single Meantime brew that I haven't liked. They have
>very clean freshness about them and great flavour, so when you come
>I'll be happy to take you to the Old Brewery or to the Union.

And I'd be happy to join you!

Still plenty of IPAs around:

The Fox and Hounds in Stony Stratford serves Deuchars and I had some just the 
other day...


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