Well if you need a shoulder to lean on....don't lean on yours!

that definitely sounds like a big ouch - don't non-chalant it the
better you take care the faster it will heal... takes a while to get range of motion back after you've been in a sling, too... physical
therapy is in your future...

You'll get a lot of nice subway  shots now :_)


On 9/24/2012 09:09, knarftheria...@gmail.com wrote:
Got a call from the hospital yesterday. Upon reviewing x-rays they now see a 
fracture and I should reattend Monday morning. Which I did.

Fracture of the clavical right near the tip. It's like a small chip got shaved 

Good news: should heal well. Six weeks in a sling and I should be good to ride 
a bike.

So I am doing my job walking and on transit.

More good news: This time I have a driver with insurance. Due to Ontario's no 
fault system it may be hard to get pain and suffering out of him but at least 
out-of-pockets will be covered.

I actually think that bones may heal faster and more completely than soft 
tissue (he says looking for a silver lining).



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