Again, I'm just glad it wasn't much more serious than it was. It's a shame you'll be off your bike for that long, but a real boon that you're on your feet. Cars are very frequently less forgiving than that.

I'm also glad to hear it's not going to cost you out-of-pocket.

I had a bit of a mishap myself over the weekend, breaking up a fight between a couple of drunk young ladies. I think I may have fractured my kneecap on the floor when I got my foot hooked on a table leg in my haste to get between them. I'm pretty confident I didn't sustain any soft tissue damage, either -- thank goodness. It hurt like hell all day yesterday, but most of the swelling has dissipated and now it just hurts like hell when I put too much pressure on it, or bang it up against the sort of things I'm always banging my knee against.

Not much can be done other than RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and ibuprofen. But now I have a distinctive gait -- so there's my silver lining.

Hoping for your speedy recovery!

-- Walt

On 9/24/2012 8:09 AM, wrote:
Got a call from the hospital yesterday. Upon reviewing x-rays they now see a 
fracture and I should reattend Monday morning. Which I did.

Fracture of the clavical right near the tip. It's like a small chip got shaved 

Good news: should heal well. Six weeks in a sling and I should be good to ride 
a bike.

So I am doing my job walking and on transit.

More good news: This time I have a driver with insurance. Due to Ontario's no 
fault system it may be hard to get pain and suffering out of him but at least 
out-of-pockets will be covered.

I actually think that bones may heal faster and more completely than soft 
tissue (he says looking for a silver lining).



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

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