On 9/24/2012 1:54 PM, Darren Addy wrote:
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:10 PM, P. J. Alling
<webstertwenty...@gmail.com> wrote:
Naa, that's nothing, KEH also has the /truely/ legendary A* 135mm f1.8 in
stock at this very moment. Look fast it won't last.

Almost $2K in bargain condition!

Related: Sure makes you wonder what this "new" 135mm f1.8 is/was (and
if it is for the digital age why it is still called an A* rather than
a DA*)

Not new old, and most digital ready lenses aren't any different from their old non digital counterparts, except maybe for more effective non reflective coatings on the rear element.

Don't lose heart, they might want to cut it out, and they'll want to avoid a 
lengthly search.

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