Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! Now, that I have that off my chest I can tell you why
I feel that way.

We hopped on the deal for the K-3 w/battery grip (who cares about the
sling bag; it will simply go in the pile collecting dust). I've been
watching the email for the shipping notification (and the charge acct
for a earlier hint). Saw the charge pending but it disappeared, so I
contacted Ricoh (refuse to say P*ntax on this one--LOL)

The damn thing is back-ordered and customer service has "no
information" on when it will be in stock. From what I've read here,
it's probably because of the grip. In any case, it might have been
nice to learn that from them. Simple thing to have the system generate
an automated email reply for a WEB STORE order that has an associated
email. If they're too cheap to ship twice, contact me and give me the
option to pay for extra shipment.

In any case, we know that they are moving product.

So much for sneaking off and playing with a Christmas gift before it
goes under the tree.

Thanks for *listening* to my first world problem...


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