My opinion, which everyone hates, by the way, is that Facebook and Fora are easy and require even less technical knowledge than using e-mail lists. Despite being one of the most educated generations, millennials, have no real interest in knowing how the actual nuts and bolts of anything works, and are perfectly willing to give up bunch of privacy for ease of use. Thus the allure of Facebook. One of the things I like about the PDML even using gmail, is that with their pop server, I never have to see their advertisements. Yes, yes, they do scan my emails but, since I don't see their advertisements,. and don't use the for truly private conversations, I don't care.

On 3/19/2015 10:32 AM, George Sinos wrote:
My photography was going in a direction that wasn't pleasing me.  I
decided to cut back on interaction with photography sites, the camera
club and, in general, photo enthusiast stuff.  So much of what is
discussed is only of interest to other photography hobbyists and isn't
even on the radar for most folks. I still scan list but don't look at
photos much these days.

I have three significant hobbies and moving between them seems
cyclical.  More time is spent on others as interest in one decreases.
For now I'm contended with other things and will return to more active
photographic efforts in time.

Just an aside: email lists seem to be a hangover from the past.  Lists
seem to be populated by older folks that discovered the Internet
before things like forums and Facebook were around.  As only one
example, I listen to a very popular podcast for one of my other
hobbies.  Each episode is downloaded around 100,000 times.  It's rare
that the associated email list for discussion sees more than half a
dozen posts each week.  On the other hand, the Facebook group will see
about 50 new posts every day.  There is very little overlap between
the two. You can sense the age divide when reading both.  Don't care
much for Facebook as a company, but that seems to be where the
majority of people are these days.

George Sinos

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Stanley Halpin
<> wrote:
On Mar 19, 2015, at 8:53 AM, Mark Roberts <> wrote:

Serious question: How did you find out about the PDML?
(Everyone please feel free to pipe up here.)

I probably found out about the PDML from the Pentax official web site,
way back when the PDML was actually run by Pentax. But I'm wondering
how *anyone* would even learn of the PDML's existence these days.

Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

When I gave up video and rediscovered photography in the mid-late ‘90s, I moved 
from my old ME-Supers to Pz-1p. The whole autofocus, Power Zoom etc were a 
mystery to me. But most importantly, I wanted to buy lenses. Particularly a 
“modern” 135mm lens. Looking on eBay, I was totally confused by the vast 
numbers of different 135mm lenses.

So I went to the Pentax site looking for information, found a link to this 
group, and the rest is history.

I remember that one reason people used to give for not staying with PDML once 
they found us was that they couldn’t deal with the high volume of messages.

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I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve 
immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen

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