On 10/7/2016 4:21 PM, ann sanfedele wrote:
John - You're going to hate I-pads... don't do it.

Seconded. I bought an iPad specifically to run my quad copter. That's about all it's good for.

It's the best built piece of fucked up crap I have ever had the displeasure of using, and to use it I had to submit to joining the Apple Collective.
That's adding insult to injury at it's finest.
I'd have rather been assimilated by the Borg, At least then I could boink 7 of 9. Actually, that's a really good reason to be assimilated by the Borg, but I digress.

My old tablet is an Asus Transformer, which would clip onto a real keyboard. I don't know if they are still available. It's problem was that it could be right beside my router and still have flaky connectivity.
At least it had an SD port on the keyboard and a mini SD on the screen.

But fuck me with a dead squirrel, I hate Apple.

Someone ran over my favorite squirrel a couple of days ago. Poor little bastard. There's only one thing I hate more than the prick that ran over my squirrel, and that's donald trump. I only have one thing against that fucked up piece of shit, that being he has a pulse.

Sorry kids, I'm really drunk. I'll probably hate myself for this in the morning.
Except for the donald trump part. I'm serious as a heart attack about that.

Hangover, here I come.

Remember, friends don't let friends buy Apple Crapple.

I hate 'em too .. all touch screens..

and , like you, I have a lovely little flip phone that only does text
and voice - no web connectivity.

and a reliable land line  which was the ONLY thing that worked during
Sandy and the only communication device that worked on 9/11


On 10/7/2016 3:51 PM, John wrote:
I'm still not interested in a smart phone, but I have started thinking
about maybe getting a tablet or a pad to display photographs.

1. I want one that does NOT require me to have a cell phone account & a
data plan. WiFi is Ok.

2. I want one that will let me plug in a USB thumb drive & download the
photos to the tablet/pad or that will allow me to plug in a SDHC card
with the photos on it.

3. I want one that recharges either from a wall wart or USB (or both).

4. I *HATE* touchscreens, so it should be easy to clean grubby
fingerprints off the screen.

I welcome your recommendations.

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