On 19/1/18, David J Brooks, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Just looking for recommendations on small handheld video camera's. I not
>happy how my K5 does video's and am planning a trip to Canada's east coast
>this summer.

The thing about video is this.

There are still cameras that have video bolted on as an afterthought, more like 
'emergency video provision'. Your iPhone will do better video than these types 
of cameras.

There are genuine hybrid cameras that are reasonably good at stills, and 
reasonably good at video. They tend to be expensive!

There are video cameras that may (or may not) allow you to take stills.

The word here is 'compromise'.

May I make a suggestion? If you want a decent small video camera that will do 
autofocus while shooting, zoom in and out with a fixed zoom lens on the camera, 
and auto aperture - there is a good selection available out there limited only 
by how much you want to spend.

A few years ago I used to have a JVC GY-HM100 camera and it  was brilliant. If 
you could get a good one second hand, you'd love it. EVF to look down and/or 
swing-out LCD panel useful for ageing eyes. AF and AE, a decent zoom lens built 
in and a removable handle with proper XLR inputs on it for a small mic for good 
sound recording. Best of all it chucked out genuine Mov files which could 
easily be converted for editing using software like Mpeg Streamclip. IIRC they 
even were editable natively in Final Cut. Brilliant little camera - streets 
ahead of most amateur cameras which tend to have zillions of options buried in 
menus alongside bewildering buttons that need weeks of reading about in thick 
manuals before you can even switch the damned thing on.

The nice thing about pro video gear is that it has to be easy to switch on and 
then work out of the box because often times that's exactly what happens to it, 
by people that really shouldn't be shooting video... (but that's another 

Here's a link:


Notice the file type it puts out - either MP4 or native MOV files - instantly 
viewable and editable. That's the killer function here - and the quality is 
superb. I used mine as a an action cam, mounting it in cars or on bikes etc - 
because not every action camera mounted needs to be a GoPro.

Note that link is archived - I looked on eekbay and here's one that went for 
400 bucks US:


That's a steal.

Or by all means search out a new video camera (camcorders) from a selection 
like this:


HTH and good luck!



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