I read somewhere that as they developed the process some logistical problems cropped up causing delays for some people getting the second dose, but *they* found out the 3 week period between doses was not critical; that if for some reason the second shot was delayed it was still likely to be effective.

And in some cases maybe more effective because the immune system had longer to work on the first dose.

The most important part seems to be just getting vaccinated with the timing of the two doses not being a BIG problem. Plus, haven't some single dose vaccines been approved now?

Note that I am not a medical professional and this is just the way I understand it from reading the newz.

On 5/31/2021 12:05:45, ann sanfedele wrote:
ann had her 2nd on Marcy 29th.. oh.. you mean YOUR ann :-)

wonder what the descrepancies in 1st to second shot gaps is due to across the globe, even across cities in one's own country...
MIne was 4 weeks after the first..

ann in nyc

On 5/31/2021 10:32 AM, Alan C wrote:
Ann & I have had our first Pfizer jabs. No.2 in 6 weeks.

Alan C

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