
1)  A16/2.8 Fish-eye

and if that was not available, then

2) K17/4 Fish-eye,
3) K18/3.5

William in Utah.

9/19/2002 12:30:25 PM, "Arnold Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hello again, now here comes my SMC Pentax Super Wide K-Mount Lens Poll:
>Please imagine that you were having no super wide-angle lens for your
>K-mount camera. Also imagine that you have more than enough money and a
>good opportunity to buy a k-mount SMC Pentax super wide-angle lens. What
>lens would you like to get most (1st choice)? What lens would you pick
>as your 2nd choice, if your first choice was not available? What lens
>would you pick as your 3rd choice (if your 1st and 2nd choice were not
>available)? Choose among the following lenses:
>A16/f2.8 Fish-Eye
>K17/f4 Fish-Eye
>FA*24/f2 IF&AL
>1.) Pick your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. You may choose less than 3 but
>not more than 3 choices.
>2.) Please send your vote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Exception: Send your
>vote to the PDML if and ONLY if you have commented your choices, AND you
>really want all members of the PDML to know your comments.
>3.) I will count all votes that are sent before Sunday (September 22th,
>Election of the German parliament is on the same day), 21:00 hours.
>Have fun with this poll, and thanks in advance for contributing.....

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