Stop being boring and go out and sail a boat ;-)

Sorry, couldn't resist!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 01 October 2002 23:13
> To: Pentax List
> Subject: Re: Photokina and Pentax - the future?
> I think Jerome raises some interesting points, but I also think he is 
> wrong (with the greatest of respect), and this is why:
> [snip re Pentax and Photokina]
> >
> >Pentax had nothing (much) to show. Period. Goshdornit people, can we 
> >just move on?! I mean, really. Don't you still have cameras on your 
> >shelves (apparently collecting dust) that you should be out using? 
> >Where has speculation gotten you over the past two years. My 
> >(increasingly
> >not-so-humble) opinion is that one should either display 
> some gool ol'
> >fashion patience or [If its _that_ crucial] move on to 
> another brand for
> >digital as so many others here have quietly done [and have 
> done so without
> >all the hoopla, I might add].
> Jerome makes a good argument here, but I think what one 
> should not forget 
> is that this is a discussion list, and as such, is prone to, er, 
> discussion. Years, ago I used to be a member of the Laser 
> List (sailing, 
> not star Wars) and when a particular thread became tiresome 
> to some, it 
> was suggested that people stop being boring and go out and 
> sail a boat, 
> in less than polite terms. (You wanna see *unmoderated* - boy 
> go there!)
> Excuse me. When I am out sailing, I have not the slightest 
> interest in 
> computers, sitting in front of computers, and typing. Hence, 
> when I *am* 
> sat in front of a computer, I am not the slightest bit interested in 
> sailing a boat. People do one or the other, and to various 
> degrees based 
> on their abilities and desires.
> Same with photography. Right now, it's an hour before 
> midnight, and I am 
> sat in front of my PowerBook (free plug for Apple but hey...) 
> and I am 
> not the slightest bit interested in going outside and 
> shooting a picture. 
> What I *am* interested in is some discussion on this excellent email 
> list, and reading the thoughts of its contributors. Sometimes that 
> includes threads that I am not interested in, and (being a Digest 
> Subscriber) I skip over them. I stop at the ones that interest me, 
> including anything relating to DSLRs, including any post-Photokina 
> threads. I am extremely interested in this thread, because 
> there are some 
> *extremely* knowledgeable people contributing, and I am very 
> interested 
> in what they have to say. Hence, I would actively encourage 
> this thread, 
> and others like it as a full on-topic thread worth pursuing.
> Jerome, please don't think I'm getting at you. I'm not. I 
> respect your 
> point of view, and you have some very interesting and 
> relevant things to 
> say (as our private emails have indeed proven). I'm merely 
> using this as 
> a sounding board to promote active discussion in any on-topic thread. 
> Folks, this is the whole reason why this list exists. Discussion, 
> sometimes calm, sometimes heated, is the very meat of 
> progress. There may 
> well be Pentax bods reading this thread - this very communication - 
> glimpsing what is going on in the minds of the people who not 
> only care 
> about their chosen photographic manufacturer, but the people who care 
> enough about it to actively take part in discussions about it with 
> others. Knowledge is power (if which is the case, then ipso 
> facto, Pentax 
> could not possibly be reading this, eham, but one lives in 
> hope, eh?) So 
> carry on with gusto! Please.
> And now, the moment you've been waiting for, the bit where 
> Jerome had it 
> spot-on:
> >In short... film or digital... go take some pictures... the next PUG 
> >deadline is 19 days away.
> If that isn't the BEST bit of advice (oops - keen memories 
> will dispute 
> this) okay - the SECOND BEST bit of advice ever I have read 
> on this list, 
> then I am a thong. A tiny red leather thong with beads of pewter and 
> brass and.... <smack on head>, in a word, shoot. Get 
> out there and 
> shoot some pictures. Hands up those who have not shot a frame 
> in over 2 
> weeks. Hands up ditto in a MONTH. That's you. Take Jerome's 
> sound advice 
> and go out this coming weekend or whenever, and let off one 
> roll at the 
> very least. I promise that I will. (It won't be film though - oops, a 
> nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat ;-)
> I raise my glass of Soave to the PDML.
> Cheers all,
> Cotty
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