Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond!  I enjoyed every email.
What an interesting group we have here, the trained and educated
professional, to the self-taught.  From all I gathered, I feel like I'm on
the right track.  I'll continue as I have, take the little courses, shoot,
shoot, and shoot some more.  Read.  The PDML has been an invaluable source
of information.  As has/had the newsgroup  One
thing bugs me, and please feel free to comment on it.  I sometimes feel like
I'm arriving too late in the game.  So many of you have been at it for so
long, film is old, and you look forward to digital.  Am I wasting my time in
pursing 35mm SLR photography with such vigor?  Sometimes I say yes, other
times I say no.  (Part of this -- and only part is do I continue to pick up
current Pentax lenses that I would like?)


Brad Dobo

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