Canon S800 and 900 are good

---- Begin Original Message ----

From: Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 07:23:55 -0800
Subject: Re: Christmas cards

Dr E D F Williams wrote:
> Aaaaargh! I rank Epson with Microsoft - as far as business ethics 
goes. The
> damn thing uses more ink cleaning the jets than it does printing. I 
> keep feeding it at 50 Euros a meal. Can't afford to keep this pet 
> Once, a couple of Christmases back, I used a colour cartridge up - 
> getting one decent print. So good-bye Epson. Maybe one day I'll buy 
> printer that has the jets on the cartridges.

That's someone like Hewlett Packard ~ but let me tell you, I've had
three increasingly more expensive H-Ps, and I've yet to see a
home-based H-P (ink-jet) printer that can hold a candle to Epson when
it comes to color photographic style images/prints...

Gotta be some other, less-expensive answer than Epson's ink-devouring
printers, I'd say. Maybe it hasn't been designed yet...

On the other hand, I LOVE my Epson digital camera! Outstanding photos!
So long as I just keep 'em on a screen somewhere, they're perfect for
viewing, and the whole thing is [relatively] inexpensive.

keith whaley
> To start with of course it was wonderful. I got very good prints 
after the
> initial setting up - getting the monitor and output to look more or 
less the
> same.
> Don

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